3 Different learning spaces

I examined three different learning spaces

  • Group
  • Collaborative
  • Co-operative

I set about creating a visual of my learning. I found myself questioning whether the amount of time spent on creating my visual to highlight my understanding of the differences on the learning spaces was a productive use of my time.  My answer – yes as whilst it has taken me approximately 2 hours to create I feel this is what online learning is all about.

To me the evidence is clear that Co-operative learning spaces create the optimum learning outcomes for students. In Slavin’s text, Co-operative learning: what makes group-work work? (2010) numerous studies are identified outlining the benefits of co-operative learning.

What was interesting was the video by TVO “Does Group work, work? Is it the best way for children to learn?” – there were three different people being interviewed.  One person was very adamant in their view that Group work was very restricted and didn’t offer much.  Whereas Stephen Kagan gave compelling evidence about the benefits of Cooperative learning.

Below is my visual of my learning using Postermyworld

snipping 5a learning

My son’s teacher uses this poster with her class when talking to the children about Group Work:





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